Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Too Much Gaming?

So Steam went and decided to sell Mass Effect 1 and 2 as a bundle for $9.99 and not only is that a great deal but the Mass Effect 2 was the digital delux version with a butt load of dlc and awesomeness.  Well I had beat ME2 on the xbox but had never played the first one.  Well when you play the first one and then import your character man it turns Mass Effect 2 into a completely different game.  No I truly understand how people that are utterly obsessed with this game got that way.  It is very interesting to have played through a game one way and then just importing a character from the first game completely turns the dialogue around.  I mean the default story was pretty cool but having molded and shaped the story with the first one is very interesting.  When I first played through the game on the xbox version I lost three of my squad mates I am shooting to get through it with no one dying.  Probably not going to happen I also need to get everyone Loyal too me.  I was kind of upset with Zaeeds loyalty quest because man that was a lot of Renegade points and I love going as Paragon as possible.  Well I am really starting to get the hang of using a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller it is too the point that I tried to play minecraft with my girlfriend on the xbox and man I was having a hard time using the controller.

I have been spending a lot of time playing games.  I did actually manage to go a night without playing any games last night ok actually that is a lie I played a lot of Candy Crush Saga last night.  Man I hate that game.
Man this blog is pointless and stupid.  ugh.

Much Love

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Gaming Computer Build.

OK so I built my first gaming computer and honestly I think it turned out pretty well.  I didn't really have a lot of money so my friend helped my build a computer that is easy for me to upgrade when the time comes.  The motivation for doing this was because I have really gotten into the feel of playing video games on a PC just using the keyboard and mouse just feels nice.  Also I don't want to be pinned to having to get one of the next gen consoles which are pretty much just going to be PC's anyway.  I would rather have something I can customize and update.  So here are the specs for what I got.

I got an AS Rock FX Socket AM3 N68C-GS motherboard.  So far it has been a very nice start up and at $45 it has been very worth it.  With that I am running an AMD FX4100 Quad-Core processor and I the reviews have been pretty up and down on this processor but for the beginning PC gamer like me it has been perfect.  Currently only running 4 GB of ram via a Corsair XMS3 stick of ram I do plan on upping to 8 GB really soon.  For a hard drive I am using a Western Digital 1TB SATA.  I remember a time when having like a gig of hard drive space was awesome.  I just dated myself there.  My first computer had only a 20 GB hard drive so I have no idea what I am going to do with 1 TB of hard drive space.  Haha.  For a video card I am using an MSi N650 GeForce GTX650 and again I am very impressed with the bang for my buck I have gotten with this build so far.  I have a standard DVD-RW drive and am using LOGISYS 430W power supply.  This is all housed inside a RAIDMAX Blade ATX-298WR Super Blade case.  I like this case because it has lots of room to add more stuff to it.

I have been spending a lot of my time since I built the computer in a closed beta for this game called Loadout which is just a wonderful fiasco of great fun.  It is a multi-player third person shooter game that is just a blast the art style is very Team Fortress with over the top animated blood and body dismemberment when being shot.  There are crazy moments when my head is only a brain and eyes or where I am running around one armed just trying to stay alive.  Usually I am not a huge fan of over the top gore but with this goofy animated style it is totally great.  I cant wait for the full version to be released.  Well I am going to go and pretend to work and hopefully get some gaming in this evening.

Oh I am still shackled to my console because I had pre-ordered Bioshock Infinite before I decided to build the PC so I am going to definitely be finishing that up and then also my friend bought me Skyrim for my birthday for my Xbox so I need to work my way through that.

Much Love

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breaking The Chains

OK so it has been a few days since I have posted something and I have done it.  I finally broke free of Facebook it was a nightmare actually.  I did not realize how many websites that I had registered with and when given the option to either create a login or to just use Facebook I just clicked on log in with Facebook.  So needless to say it took me all morning to go through all of those websites and change they way I log in to them.  So now it looks like I am free and clear of the Facebook.  I just got to the point where it was more of a hassle to block content from the site than it was worth, also most of the important people that I care about what they have to say I have on text.

So tonight I am going to try to make some more progress on Mass Effect 3 but I think we all know that most likely I am going to sit on my couch put Primeval on Netflix and read that is most likely what I am going to end up doing with this evening since the lady is working this evening.  Though I do have one thing on my list of must accomplish.


Fast forward to the next day.

OK so guess what I did last night?  You guessed it I watched Primeval.  I did managed to complete one quest in ME3 so I kind of did what I was planning on doing.  I also managed to watch the first episode of Primeval New World and the last episode.  I only really watched it because of Andrew Lee Potts being in both to kind of tie together the original series with the attempt at a spin off.  It was meh.  I am a purist I guess and couldn't really get into it.  I did however like Connor saying that he had a wife and wanted to see her again because that at least gave us a touch of where we were left hanging when the original series was cancelled.

That brings me to this video by Swoozie   Diary of a TV Addict and it is exactly how I feel.  I mean I don't mind my shows being cancelled but I do wish they would give me a couple episodes of closure just to tie up the loose ends.   I mean Primeval was a perfect example SPOILERS!!!!!!!----------------you end off with another version of Matt telling our Matt that he needs to go back....  How can you leave me hanging like that.  I mean the series Angel did the same damn thing.........  Like Swoozie said man just give me three of four episodes to tie up the loose ends.... That is all I want.  Primeval hasn't been off the air that long I mean when you think about it the time between series of Sherlock is as long as Primeval has been cancelled just give me a couple episodes.  Show me Connor and Abby's wedding.  Show me Matt finally getting things all sorted out and being able to be happy.  That is all that I want....

That rant and this utter train-wreck of a blog post is finally done.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The girl and the Mine.

Well it is Saturday just any other Saturday nothing really exciting going on except for oh yeah I got my girlfriend utterly hooked on Minecraft.  She always complained about my obsession.  She never understood how I could play it all the time and how I could play it so much and how I could enjoy watching people play the game.  Well today she told me she wanted to try playing it with me on the xbox.  I haven't played that version in forever pretty much just been playing on the PC, anyway she decided she wanted to try it and after about three hours I had to get up and move on to something else but she just kept on playing it was pretty freaking hilarious actually.  At least now she understands the obsession.  Well actually it isn't as much of an obsession to me any more than it use to be but still.

So over the last few days I have been complaining about my hands getting cold and how I needed to still be able to use all my fingers and what not so I needed some nice fingerless gloves well today I got some nice new Jack Skellington ones.  I just wanted straight black but these are pretty darn nice.  

On the diet front I am doing a very good job.  I have been pretty successful when it comes to trying to eat Vegan I discovered that the cheese I am eating still has milk protein in it but for a start I think it is pretty impressive.  Also I have found that I get full a lot faster and stay full longer which is freaking great.   Well I am going to sit down and watch some more Primeval  until the GF is done with work.  It seems I cant get through a single day without watching some.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Sriracha and Chickpea Burger

So for lunch today I tried some Sriracha.  I have been wanting to pick some up for a very long time and finally got around to buying some.  So for lunch I had a Chickpea burger with some vegan pepper-jack "cheese" with no bun and some sriracha to dip it in and I do have to say I was impressed.  I was expecting something much hotter than what it was.  It is definitely going to be a staple of my diet from now on.  This is how I roll I am always looking for a new hot sauce to put on everything.  It seems I just cant get enough of hot sauce.  Now while the hot sauce was great and the vegan cheese was good as always the chickpea burger patty was good but has an odd aftertaste that I am not really sure about yet.

So last night I had planned on playing some Mass Effect 3 but ended up going out to buy an awesome new hat.  By the time I got home it was time for Archer to come on and that is my Thursday to not miss show.  I really wish I had more to say right now but I think I am going to try to do a week in review blog tonight.  This is probably a cake, but hey we can try.

My New Hat :)


Thursday, March 7, 2013

What't My Style?

So I have been doing a lot of thinking about what is my style, fashion wise.  I mean I have been very limited in style because of my weight.  I pretty much always had like two pairs of shorts to wear and a handful of 3XL Dickies shirts.  Since I am losing weight I think it is time to start thinking about what my style is.  I mean I am a big fan of vests.  I don't really know why but I just really love vests.  I also really love button down shirts of the short sleeve variety. I love my Doc's but my weight caused my feet to fatten up a little so I cant really wear those yet.  Then you got stuff like accessories.  I love pocket watches and different types of hats.  I think that I really need to dive into this and figure out what I can do.  Also facial hair will need to be figured out I have been wearing a beard for awhile mostly because it covers up the fatness of my face, but if I am going to be losing weight I might be able to start shaving again.  These are the things I have been pondering as of lately.

One thing I did settle on is that I am growing my hair out.  All my life I have had buzz cuts, mohawks or just plain bald shaved heads.  I want something new so I am going to grow it out as long as I can.  I have been told that the probiotics will actually help out with this.  I am also going to try not to dye my hair though there is a downside of the fact that I have quite a bit of grey showing up.

On to a little more serious note I am not really sure what to make of North Korea and all their blustering.  I am just trying to figure out what makes them think that if they lash out at South Korea that there isn't a very good chance that all the other countries of the world, I mean even their "allies" are backing away from them, aren't just going to sweep in their.  It doesn't make any sense to me.  I tend to think that they are just kind of like the little drunk man on the corner who is pissed off at the rest of the world and decides to just scream at the people passing by.  Just to be heard.  Well that is the extent of my real world issues for the week.

So it was supposed to snow around here and as usual people rush out to the store to buy everything just thinking that they are going to be snowed in. I live in the city.  Even if it dumps like three feet of snow we are usually dug out in like a day or two.  I can survive off my own fat stores for that long.  I don't understand why people around here think they need to rush out to get like a months worth of groceries.  I grew up in the middle of nowhere now in that kind of situation it might be for the best to do that because if we would get snowed in it could be like a week or so.  I don't get it here in the city.   OK and there ends the rant section of this rambling mess of a blog.

Blessed Be

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Delicate Grip On Reality.

OK so I think I am starting to lose grip on reality again.  It happens from time to time.  It seems to happen mostly when I either find a great series of books to read and the series is over or I find a great TV series to watch and the same thing happens where it is over.   I tend to overly lose myself in the world that the writers of the books or shows create and it becomes more real to me than the physical world that I can touch.  The last time it really happened badly was when I got hooked on the Special Agent Pendergast books by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.  Now I currently think it is because of the Primeval situation that has pretty much taken up ever free part of my mine that isn't devoted to breathing and eating.  Though I do think it might have taken over some of the eating parts.  Which is not a bad thing.

So I decided that I do what to go Vegan there is one down side.  I currently have a good chunk of food that is not vegan but is vegetarian and in todays economy people cant afford to throw away food so I am going to have to wait until these couple of cans of tomato soup are gone and these cheese ramen instant lunches that I have floating around.

I know there are probably people out there saying "No if you really want to go Vegan you need to get rid of all that stuff now."  Well I have to support my family and this food cost money while yes it didn't cost a lot of money, the ramen was on 39 cents a thing, it still cost money that I don't have a lot of. Plus I am not doing this for a moral reason.  I am a big supporter of people eating meat though I don't agree with how a lot of meat is processed and the animals are treated.  I do think that eating meat is just fine.

Well I guess I should pretend to work.

Blessed Be