Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Promise To My Face.

I use to have this awesome beard that is pictured above.  I then made the horrible mistake of shaving it down to stubble now I am stuck starting over and I look at this picture and I cry I miss my shaggy best friend.  Nothing compares to the comforting feeling of having a beard and I don't mean on of those little douche-bag chinstrap things or thin bear that is just long enough to give an even coat I am talking about a real beard.  A beard you can tug on with both hands a beard that you can find things in after a long night of drinking and go "Where the F@%& did that come from and what is it."  That is what I am heading back for that is much more.  Hurry up beard come back to me I promise to never shave you again.

Sincerely M

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