Friday, November 2, 2012

What A Week.

Well this was a crazy week.  Monday the hurricane rolled in and my company decided to close the office Monday and Tuesday and to have us work from home if possible well the power went out Monday evening and stayed out through till mid day Wednesday.  I know that there are many that are still without power so I am not going to whine and complain about it.  I did feel like I was heading down the route of Jack Torrance from The Shining because of not having electricity.  It is rough for me to be in a situation where I cant do anything about it.  Well Thursday they finally opened up the office and it was nice to be able to get back to work.  Thought honestly when I came in to work today I was as exhausted as if I would have stayed at work all week.   I am ready for a stress free weekend I want to just relax and watch some TV and play a little bit of video games.

I have also been doing a pretty decent job of not eating like a Big-Fat-Fatty.  I stopped trying to look at it like a long term goal.  I am now approaching it like I approached not smoking.  Every day is a new day.  I am not trying to get through the week.  Only trying to get through the day.  On Monday it will be 1 year without smokes.  It is kind of amazing to think that I was finally able to make the change.  What worked was each morning when I would normally stop for a pack of smokes I just went "Nah I will stop on my way home from work." Then when it was time to go home I would just go "Nah I don't feel like stopping right now." Eventually it was a week and then a month and here I am at a year.  Well I am going to try to finish up the rest of this work day. 

Blessed Be.

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