Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breaking The Chains

OK so it has been a few days since I have posted something and I have done it.  I finally broke free of Facebook it was a nightmare actually.  I did not realize how many websites that I had registered with and when given the option to either create a login or to just use Facebook I just clicked on log in with Facebook.  So needless to say it took me all morning to go through all of those websites and change they way I log in to them.  So now it looks like I am free and clear of the Facebook.  I just got to the point where it was more of a hassle to block content from the site than it was worth, also most of the important people that I care about what they have to say I have on text.

So tonight I am going to try to make some more progress on Mass Effect 3 but I think we all know that most likely I am going to sit on my couch put Primeval on Netflix and read that is most likely what I am going to end up doing with this evening since the lady is working this evening.  Though I do have one thing on my list of must accomplish.


Fast forward to the next day.

OK so guess what I did last night?  You guessed it I watched Primeval.  I did managed to complete one quest in ME3 so I kind of did what I was planning on doing.  I also managed to watch the first episode of Primeval New World and the last episode.  I only really watched it because of Andrew Lee Potts being in both to kind of tie together the original series with the attempt at a spin off.  It was meh.  I am a purist I guess and couldn't really get into it.  I did however like Connor saying that he had a wife and wanted to see her again because that at least gave us a touch of where we were left hanging when the original series was cancelled.

That brings me to this video by Swoozie   Diary of a TV Addict and it is exactly how I feel.  I mean I don't mind my shows being cancelled but I do wish they would give me a couple episodes of closure just to tie up the loose ends.   I mean Primeval was a perfect example SPOILERS!!!!!!!----------------you end off with another version of Matt telling our Matt that he needs to go back....  How can you leave me hanging like that.  I mean the series Angel did the same damn thing.........  Like Swoozie said man just give me three of four episodes to tie up the loose ends.... That is all I want.  Primeval hasn't been off the air that long I mean when you think about it the time between series of Sherlock is as long as Primeval has been cancelled just give me a couple episodes.  Show me Connor and Abby's wedding.  Show me Matt finally getting things all sorted out and being able to be happy.  That is all that I want....

That rant and this utter train-wreck of a blog post is finally done.

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