So I have been doing a lot of thinking about what is my style, fashion wise. I mean I have been very limited in style because of my weight. I pretty much always had like two pairs of shorts to wear and a handful of 3XL Dickies shirts. Since I am losing weight I think it is time to start thinking about what my style is. I mean I am a big fan of vests. I don't really know why but I just really love vests. I also really love button down shirts of the short sleeve variety. I love my Doc's but my weight caused my feet to fatten up a little so I cant really wear those yet. Then you got stuff like accessories. I love pocket watches and different types of hats. I think that I really need to dive into this and figure out what I can do. Also facial hair will need to be figured out I have been wearing a beard for awhile mostly because it covers up the fatness of my face, but if I am going to be losing weight I might be able to start shaving again. These are the things I have been pondering as of lately.
One thing I did settle on is that I am growing my hair out. All my life I have had buzz cuts, mohawks or just plain bald shaved heads. I want something new so I am going to grow it out as long as I can. I have been told that the probiotics will actually help out with this. I am also going to try not to dye my hair though there is a downside of the fact that I have quite a bit of grey showing up.
On to a little more serious note I am not really sure what to make of North Korea and all their blustering. I am just trying to figure out what makes them think that if they lash out at South Korea that there isn't a very good chance that all the other countries of the world, I mean even their "allies" are backing away from them, aren't just going to sweep in their. It doesn't make any sense to me. I tend to think that they are just kind of like the little drunk man on the corner who is pissed off at the rest of the world and decides to just scream at the people passing by. Just to be heard. Well that is the extent of my real world issues for the week.
So it was supposed to snow around here and as usual people rush out to the store to buy everything just thinking that they are going to be snowed in. I live in the city. Even if it dumps like three feet of snow we are usually dug out in like a day or two. I can survive off my own fat stores for that long. I don't understand why people around here think they need to rush out to get like a months worth of groceries. I grew up in the middle of nowhere now in that kind of situation it might be for the best to do that because if we would get snowed in it could be like a week or so. I don't get it here in the city. OK and there ends the rant section of this rambling mess of a blog.
Blessed Be
You are def a hat man! Also. . North Korea talks a lot.