Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Veggie or Vegan with Alice and a Breaking Dawn.

So I have been looking at ways to make me feel better about myself as well as just feeling better in general.  So I am going down the road of Vegetarian again.  There was a time when I went two years without eating meat and I honestly felt so good both emotionally and physically and it was only because my daughters mother that I gave up on it and started eating meat again.  Oh and on a side note finally my divorce has been finalized.  Well I felt so good when I wasn't eating meat it made me wonder why I am not doing that again.  I would like to eventually go full on Vegan but honestly I don't know if I can give up cheese.  It might be a good thing for me to do because it does seem that dairy products tend to not agree with me from time to time.  So that is my goal also the probiotics seem to still be working pretty well.  I know that it is only been three days but as a person that spends much time with stomach pain the last couple of days free of it has been great.

So last night I was able to sit down and watch the Alice mini series with Andrew-Lee Potts and it was pretty darn good.  I am a big fan of different twists on classic stories and I really felt that it was a pretty interesting story.  It did get corny in a lot of spots but in all honesty the best kind of scifi stories are chock full of corny.  I love it.

I also sat down and watched the last Twilight movie and well lets start with what was really bad the special effects were horrible but the acting was probably the best in the series.  Though it was carried by Michael Sheen as Aro.  That man can just straight up act no matter how bad the lines are he can some how make it seem worth it.  He does such a great job of carrying the role of being totally power drunk but yet also giddy in a childlike manor.  He was definitely the highlight of the movie for me.  I have read all the bucks and I did have to suffer through them mostly because with these books usually the first half of each of the books would be so slow but then like the last ten chapters would be just utterly fast paced and would somewhat make up for it.  I was lucky to have forgotten about most of the end of the book so I was able to be surprised a little bit.  For fans of the romantic vampire stuff that has been so popular now it is well worth the watch well those people don't really need my recommendation because they will have already seen it.

I am trying to decide what movie I want to watch this evening but most likely I am just going to watch the latest Bones on Hulu and then start watching Primeval starting with Series 1 Episode 1 yet again.  Either way I wont be complaining.  Though I probably should play some more Mass Effect 3 this evening.

Blessed Be,

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